WHAT: Eastern Placer Future is a group of engaged citizens exploring the potential to create an incorporated town with local decision-making in the North Lake Tahoe area of eastern Placer County.
WHY: Placer County District 5 now covers 77% of the county’s land area, according to the 2020 U.S. Census. The district’s western boundary begins north of Newcastle at 945 feet elevation and includes all of Auburn, the county seat. District 5 has a population of 80,081, with 66,244 residents in the western area and 13,837 in the Lake Tahoe area of eastern Placer County.
Managing District 5 is challenging due to its size, varied geography, and differences in urbanization. The needs of residents and businesses differ significantly between the east and west. Eastern Placer County residents have historically struggled to gain sufficient attention for their unique needs, though this has improved somewhat with the election of a Tahoe resident as District 5 Supervisor. However, rapid growth in western Placer is shifting County decision-making focus westward.
In response, a group of eastern Placer County citizens initiated a fact-finding mission to explore the possibility of a self-governance model that could provide more local decision-making power.
WHEN: We have conducted key stakeholder interviews, completed an Initial Fiscal Feasibility Review, and formed a 501(c)(4) organization. Our primary focus now is to raise $100,000 to begin the LAFCO application and CEQA review processes.